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Care for extended eyelashes

Galina Tischenko

KODI PROFESSIONAL International Instructor Trainer

Eyelash extension procedure is quite popular. It is used not only by girls who have naturally short or thick eyelashes, but also by those who want to make their image even brighter. Is it possible to care for artificial eyelashes at home? Truth and fiction about false eyelashes.

To the desired effect of the procedure lasted as long as possible, it is important to take into account the features of the grown eyelashes.Можно ли краситься с наращенными ресницами?

  • Artificial eyelashes are glued to the natural base with a special glue that is afraid of contact with greasy and oily makeup removers.
  • Every 2-3 weeks it is necessary to carry out correction.
  • After three months it is desirable to take a break, removing the "artificial beauty".
  • You can not remove the eyelashes at home yourself. If you really want to remove them and there is no opportunity to visit the master's office, wipe your eyes with natural coconut oil. You can use oil-based waterproof makeup removers.

Can you wear makeup with false eyelashes?

It is allowed to paint the extended eyelashes with water-based mascara. To give the new eyelashes the necessary length make a couple of movements with a brush and the result will not make you wait long. Try not to overload the grown eyelashes with a large amount of mascara.

If you use eyeliner, apply it so that it was barely visible. Remove cosmetics smoothly and not fast movements. Do not use curling tongs.

How do you comb it?

Как расчесывать?

If you do not comb your eyelashes daily, they will start to tangle, which will greatly reduce their lifespan. This procedure stimulates also the natural hair follicle, from it your own eyelashes will grow better.


  • The first combing should only be after the glue has dried, when the lashes are securely attached. This usually takes 1-2 days.
  • Brush movements should start from the base to the tips.
  • During the procedure, you can not touch the eyelid, so as not to damage the glue.
  • It is best to carry out the manipulation with dry hairs. So it is less likely to damage them.
  • Use a special brush. Categorically do not use a needle! One wrong move and you can damage the eye.
  • Movement during combing should be light and without force, otherwise the hairs will start to fall out early.

How do you wash with false eyelashes?Как мыться с наращенными ресницами?

Artificial eyelashes will not be harmed while taking a shower or bath. The main thing is not to direct a strong jet of water into the eye area. Do not touch or rub your eyelids and eyelashes with your hands. During a long stay in the bath, avoid a large amount of steam. It can help loosen the glue and steam the hairs. After showering, let the hairs dry naturally without wiping them or using a hair dryer.

Sleep rules

After extensions, the hairs are long, beautifully styled and perfectly shaped. If after a few days they stick out in different directions or have creases, this is a sure sign of improper sleep.

Rules of care during sleep:

  • Do not sleep with your face in the pillow, even in the position on your side. This way you can wrinkle the outermost tufts of hairs, it is very important to control the position of the body and head.
  • It is best if the bedding will be with a slippery surface, which completely eliminates the clinging of eyelashes.
  • Every day before going to bed, remove all decorative cosmetics from the face.


Care for false eyelashes: what is not allowed?

Specialists recommend following a few simple rules for daily care:

  1. In the morning, wash your face with plain water, without the use of any cosmetics, and the water should be warm.
  2. Softly and carefully blot the face with a towel, so as not to damage the eyelashes.
  3. Be sure to comb the hairs daily, using a special brush.
  4. Make-up from the eyes should be removed with a cotton pad moistened with micellar water. Try not to touch the growth line of eyelashes.
  5. It is not recommended to use greasy creams in the eye area. Light water-based cosmetics are preferable. Apply nighttime facial skin care products at least 2 hours before bedtime.

Как часто нужно делать коррекцию и наращивать ресницы?Basic mistakes:

  • Frequent washing. On the first day it is forbidden to wet the eyelashes at all, because this is the time when the glue gains strength and hardens;
  • It is not worth doing the procedure before going on vacation to the sea, salty and chlorinated water greatly reduces the lifespan;
  • Improper independent removal of eyelashes. For removal, you need to use a special liquid or, at the very least, natural coconut oil.

How often do I need to do correction and eyelash extensions?

It has been mentioned above that the optimal period for correction is 2-3 weeks. In fact, the need for correction is determined by how often you lose your own eyelashes, along with which the artificial hairs fall out.

Correction, depending on the condition of the eyelashes, takes up to an hour and a half. The master examines the remaining eyelashes, removes those that do not hold well, and attaches new ones. If all the remaining to the moment of building up eyelashes well held, the master "replaces" only those that fell out, conducting a partial build-up.

In total, built-up eyelashes are worn for up to three months. After this period, it is recommended to remove the artificial hairs and let your own eyelashes recover a little. For recovery, it is recommended to use castor oil, vitamin E in oil, as well as comb them regularly.

Myths about false eyelashes

A few common myths that have nothing to do with reality:

  1. Extensions can be done at home by yourself.
  2. On your own, you can only attach false eyelashes. To add eyelashes to yourself do not take even the most experienced lash-makers.
  3. For the build-up use harmful glue.
  4. From the toxic glue is inevitable irritation of the mucous membranes of the eye, tearfulness because of which the eyelashes will not stick.
  5. With artificial eyelashes can not go to the solarium.
  6. Immediately after the build-up in the solarium should not go to the solarium, but after complete drying of glue to deny yourself a tan is not necessary. UV radiation will not damage the glue, if it is of high quality.
  7. Alcohol does not harm the procedure.
  8. In small quantities of alcohol will not affect the build-up, but if the eve of the build-up procedure or correction a little too much with hot drinks, the next day the body begins to actively get rid of toxins. Because of this, the glue may not "take", that is, do not harden as quickly as it should. Do not drink it and after the procedure in the first two days, until the polymerization of the glue is complete.

Мифы о наращенных ресницах

Care of false eyelashes in the first days

All care recommendations are designed to preserve the luxurious look of artificial eyelashes for as long as possible and to keep your natural lashes safe.

Rules of care in the first days:

  1. For the first 24 hours after the procedure, eyelashes should not be washed. After 24 hours you can wash your face. Do it with light movements, do not rub your eyes. A simple rinse with water is enough. Gently blot your face with a soft towel with a short pile or lint-free and brush your eyelashes with a special brush.
  2. Try to touch your eyes as little as possible. Try not to rub or scratch your eyes. Any intense impact on the eyelid can lead to unpleasant consequences.
  3. In the first three or four days, do not visit the bath, sauna, do not do facial baths. The glue must be firmly set to ensure long wear.
  4. In the first few days, until the glue dries completely, try to control the position in which you sleep. Sleeping face down is strictly forbidden.
  5. Chlorinated and salt water negatively affects the properties of the adhesive. Against the usual swimming in the sea or swimming pool there are no contraindications. Diving and even simple being underwater is not recommended.
  6. Revise the means of eye care. Exclude all oil-containing and other oily products. They negatively affect the glue.
  7. Makeup can be applied as early as the second or third day after the build-up procedure.

Care of false eyelashes at sea

Sea water harms the glue, so on vacation try not to dive and make sure that salt water does not get in your face. The build-up procedure is best done two to three days before you go on vacation to the sea. If you become allergic to the glue, you will have time to take action. In addition, this period of time is enough for the glue to dry as much as possible.

Rules of care at sea:Уход за нарощенными ресницами на море

  • Minimize the use of cleansers and decorative cosmetics in general;
  • Sleep on your side or back (the latter is best);
  • Wash your face with water no more than twice a day and avoid rubbing your eyes;
  • When swimming, keep your eyes away from chlorinated and sea water;
  • Extreme types of recreation associated with large amounts of water is better to postpone to the last days of vacation or exclude altogether;
  • Do not remove artificial eyelashes on your own.

How to care for false eyelashes in winter

Cold and temperature changes negatively affect the eyelashes, both natural and artificial. The rules of care are not complicated and their observance will significantly extend the period of wear:

  • Before the onset of cold weather, take vitamins A and E prophylactically;
  • Turnip oil strengthens natural lashes well, but you should use it a month before the procedure;
  • To protect against weathered skin, it is best to use mineral powder;
  • The use of mascara in winter is better to minimize.

Observing these simple recommendations, you will keep your grown eyelashes in perfect condition until the next scheduled correction.



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