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How to use KODI polish gel correctly

Galina Tischenko

KODI PROFESSIONAL International Instructor Trainer

Coating nails with gel varnish has been a leading service in beauty salons for many years. This is not surprising, because with a relatively small time expenditure (on average, the procedure of removing the old coating with a manicure and a new coating takes from 1.5 to 2 hours) we get the result, which, with quality performance, pleases its owners up to 3, and sometimes more, weeks. But it happens that the coating can not withstand such a period of wear and cracks. Let's understand.

Как правильно использовать гель лак KODI

Why does cody gel polish crack?

This can happen for a number of reasons, and most commonly, chipping and cracking is characteristic of the gel polish finish, which entails cracks in the color itself. Read more about the causes themselves:

  1. Poorly strengthened nail plate becomes a very common cause of chipping and cracking of the material. And here it is not so much about the length of the natural nail itself, but about its thickness. After all, the artificial material cracks not only on long nails. If your client is the owner of a thin nail plate (by nature, or thinned as a result of improper mechanical removal, or due to improper use of professional nail coating materials), then we recommend using a modeling gel Build It Up series for short nails. Along with this gel you can use any material from the Easy duo gel range or gel system of your choice.Почему гель лак коди трескается?
  2. Неправильный выбор материала для работы. Например, при выборе мягких материалов при работе с длинными ногтями, когда мастер хочет укрепить натуральный ноготь и сохранить при этом длину. Нужно понимать, что чем длиннее свободный край натурального ногтя, тем большему воздействию и нагрузке он будет подвержен. Соответственно, и искусственное покрытие тоже. Поэтому в данном случае мастер должен остановить свой выбор на твердых моделирующих материалах. Для укрепления длинных ногтей можно воспользоваться рекомендациями из первого пункта, использовав при этом все остальные моделирующие гели линейки Build It Up. Рекомендуем обратить внимание на камуфлирующие оттенки этих гелей, которые уже успели полюбиться всем нашим клиентам. Например, гель в оттенке – один из моих любимых.Latte
  3. Использование слишком жестких верхних покрытий. Сегодня очень многие мастера отдают предпочтение верхним покрытиям для гель-лака без липкого слоя, например. Они, несомненно, обладают рядом преимуществ: не требуют снятия дисперсионного слоя, имеют стойкий, ярко выраженный глянец и при этом, в общем, не уступают по носибельности топу с липким слоем. Но выбор финишного покрытия должен всегда оставаться за мастером, исходя из особенностей ногтевой пластины клиента и причин, о которых мы говорили выше.

Сколько сушить гель лак коди в лед лампе?

I recommend to apply Kodi gel polish always in two thin layers with each layer polymerized in UV/LED for 30 to 90 seconds. Low pigmented colors require minimum curing time. These are not always translucent shades. Just the density of pigment saturation of these gel-lacquers is such that well passes UV rays and for polymerization of the color is enough 30 seconds in the lamp. But the modern market dictates its own conditions. The client is limited in time, the master is trying to offer the fastest and highest quality service, and the manufacturer, as a consequence, to offer a product that best meets the needs of masters. This is how a highly pigmented product appears, which is more difficult to pass UV rays and requires more time for polymerization. And if you choose strongly pigmented shades for your work, I recommend not to forget:

  • apply gel-lacquer as thinly as possible with polymerization of each layer not less than 60-90 seconds;
  • follow the manufacturer's recommendations when working with a particular color;
  • do not forget to change the replacement UV elements in time, if you have a UV lamp;
  • remember that LED lamps also need to be replaced every 5-6 months with active use.

LED лампы

How long to dry kodi gel polish in an ice lamp?

Also from 30 to 90 seconds. And the time recommendation for each specific color you can find on our official website, where for each color there is not only a recommendation for curing time, but also a video with the color "live".

Some series of gel-lacquer requires a special application technique, which is also given by the manufacturer. For example, instructions on how to apply gel lacquer Hollywood cody you can also find on our website. These lacquers look very spectacular on the nails. In addition, they are relevant when creating nail designs.

Сколько сушить гель лак коди в лед лампе?

I really like gel-lacquer coating on my nails for several reasons: this coating looks as natural as possible (of course, with reasonable application) and allows you not to think about the grooming of hands for several weeks (again, do not forget about the quality of the coating). In addition, training and a little practice allows you to do your own manicure with the coating at home.

How to remove gel lacquer kodi at home

There is a separate video and article on this topic on our YouTube channel at the link. The main thing is a great desire - and everything will definitely work out!

Как снять гель лак коди в домашних условиях



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