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Galina Tischenko

KODI PROFESSIONAL International Instructor Trainer

Skin care for the face in summer at home

Nowadays, when for many reasons going to beauty salons is not such a frequent opportunity, summer facial care at home can easily turn into a 15-minute pleasure! You bet, we have the opportunity to enjoy the texture and aroma of the cosmetic product, and the result that we will see, and most importantly, feel with our skin. Probably every girl at least once heard the golden rule of step-by-step facial skin care: cleansing - toning - moisturizing. This rule can not be adjusted with the change of seasons, as well as does not depend on the type and age of the skin. We can only adjust the intensity and frequency of use of cosmetic products, especially when it comes to summer facial skin care.

So, the first stage is cleansing. It is very important not only to perform daily de-makeup, but also with some frequency to cleanse the face with the help of soft peels. Summer facial care implies the use of soft, non-aggressive peels, because in the period of active sun (at least until October) procedures of microdermabrasion and deep cleansing of the skin, which we do at the beautician, are contraindicated! The type of delicate peels includes peeling enzimatic Kodi Professional.  

This is a very gentle, but quite effective means of removing keratinized skin cells. Due to the work of enzymes (enzymes) that break down the proteins of dead skin cells, the product stimulates skin renewal and moisturizing, returns softness and smoothness to the skin. At home to conduct such a peeling is very simple - you just need to apply 2g of the product on the palm of your hand, add a little water, rub until the formation of foam and massage movements to distribute on the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, then rinse with warm water. For dry skin it is enough to use enzyme peeling once a week, and for combined and oily skin types it is recommended to use peeling 2 times a week.

It is important to cleanse the skin of the face, eye zone and lips from various impurities, sebum and makeup on a daily basis. Deep Cleansing Water Kodi Professional does an excellent job with this task. Plus, the product has a moisturizing effect and provides antioxidant protection, thanks to a complex of plant components in its composition. The product is hypoallergenic and suitable for all skin types.

The next step is toning. At this stage we need to equalize the pH balance of the skin, so that it can comfortably assimilate all the following care products. Toner should be applied to the face and décolleté zone after each contact with water. It is very convenient to use tonic in the form of a spray (mist): a couple of sprays - and it's ready!

Moisturizing stage. Moisturizing the skin of the face in summer is especially important. Under the influence of high temperatures, skin cells lose more moisture due to profuse sweating. It should be remembered that the immunity of the skin and its appearance ensures the integrity of the hydrolipidic mantle. Periodic home SPA procedures for our skin will be mega useful! We enjoy cream and hydrogel masks, which are designed to return the skin to a fresh and healthy look in a few minutes. It is enough to carry out such procedures at least once a week for oily and combination skin, a couple of times a week for dry skin.

If we talk about daily nourishment and moisturizing, then, undoubtedly, the first helpers in this case are serums, light creams for the skin of the face and for the skin around the eyes. Why should such a product as serum be given special attention? Because it contains a large number of active ingredients that penetrate and distribute in the skin tissues with lightning speed. Face serum with gualuronic acid Kodi Professional has a pronounced moisturizing effect and is suitable for any skin type. The product is a real salvation for dehydrated dry skin! The serum with hyaluronic acid helps to produce collagen, replenishes the lack of moisture in skin cells and continues to retain it for a long time.

Serum with snail mucin Kodi Professional has a powerful regenerating effect. It is perfect for girls whose skin is prone to swelling. Means with snail mucin are an excellent prevention of the first signs of skin aging and rehabilitation after facial cleansing, peeling. Serums are applied morning and evening, preferably overlapping creams to retain all the useful components in the skin. Don't forget about the neck and décolleté zone, for them care products with snail mucin are just magic!

The next step of the moisturizing stage is to apply a light cream to the delicate skin around the eyes. It is best if it is a multifunctional cream with a weightless gel texture. Such a product will perfectly restore tone, make the skin firm and elastic, and also serve as a preventive measure against age-related changes in the eye area.

What cream to use in summer

When it comes to choosing a face cream, it is better to consider the individual needs of the skin rather than the label "day"/"night".

In the summertime, the best option for dry facial skin is to use super light mineral oils that absorb well into the skin. Moisturizing Beauty Oil Kodi Professional by its properties is similar to the related lipids of the stratum corneum of our skin, so it eliminates dryness and prevents dehydration.

For combination and oily skin the best option is a product with a very light texture, without oils or with a small amount of them. Derma Rich Solution Kodi Professional face cream has an ultra-light texture, instantly penetrates into the skin, smooths its relief, and also prevents the appearance of pigmentation, which is very important in the summer season!

So, we apply the main care twice a day. In the evening, make sure to do it at least half an hour before bedtime, so that the products penetrate well into the skin and fulfill all their functions, and not left on the pillow. In the morning we moisturize the skin, and also give 15 minutes to "work" before applying decorative cosmetics. We pay attention to the fact that summer facial skin care should include creams with SPF labeling. To protect the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, you should choose a protection factor with a minimum of 30. Remember the importance of taking care of your skin on a daily basis, as this is 90% of success! Fill your body with vitamins not only on the outside, but also on the inside: watch your diet, drink more water, spend time in the fresh air. A positive attitude and a good mood are the key to your beauty and health!



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